HangOut Fest 2017

2017-08-10 17.01.25-1Vara a continuat cu Festivalul de origine alternativa Hang Out Fest, in Navodari, Mamaia Nord. Organizatorii ne-au invitat sa personalizam zona de plaja unde urma sa aiba loc festivalul si sa “imbracam” putin scena, in acelasi spirit.

Am creat astfel doua structuri colorate pentru umbra, am delimitat plaja vizual colorand o serie de baldachine si am creat mici accente pe scena, vantul puternic nedandu-ne voie sa incarcam prea mult. De asemenea atelierele de creatie si punctele de interes au fost marcate cu signalistica specifica. Multumim de invitatie Asociatiei Eurocult si speram ca festivalul va continua si in anii urmatori, muzicii standu-i foarte bine libera si la mare:)

“Hang Out Fest este primul eveniment de origine alternativă de pe litoral, s-a desfăşurat pe plajă, în Mamaia Nord, în perioada 11 – 13 august 2017, astfel pe scena au fost: Moonlight BreakfastRobin and the BackstabbersThe Mono JacksLes Elephants Bizarres , Sâmbătă, 12 august 2017, ateliere de creaţie ale artiştilor tineri şi nonconformişti ai acestei generaţii – tattoo şi tattoo cu hena, mandale, manga şi character design, iar seara: Vița de VieOmul cu sobolaniMr.jurjakThe Amsterdams; Duminică, 13 august 2017: ROAbyronTRAVKA şi Toulouse Lautrec .”

Festivalul este organizat de Asociaţia Eurocult, cu sprijinul Consiliul Judeţean Constanţa.

East European Music Conference//Sibiu 2017

This summer we were invited to make the lounge for the first East European Music Conference in Sibiu. Powered by Banca Transilvania. We also took care of the stage design, keeping it minimal so the speakers would be totally in the light. Great conferences, good vibes and most interesting people. Thank you, ARTmania Events!!!!

Sibiu is a great place and I am glad there is this new project: Sibiu-festival city! Hope it will grow nicely.

The team: Ioana Trantea, Tibi Anghel, Liviu Revnic and Ciprian. All the love for the effort and ideas!

Copacul cu Carti// The tree with books

We built our shading lounge area for Copacul cu Carti, a happening taking place in some parks in Bucharest.  Lounge area, books, movies and some music for healing the ears and soul. Have a great summer friends!

Photos from the official page of the event.


Lounge urban pentru Copacul cu Carti

“Relaxare în mijlocul naturii. Copacul cu Cărți este un eveniment organizat anual de Primăria Municipiului București, prin Creart, care îi motivează pe bucureșteni să redescopere plăcerea cititului în mijlocul naturii.”

Va asteptam!

Fotografiile sunt de pe pagina oficiala a evenimentului.

ONG Fest Civic Break Cluj

La inceputul lunii iulie, a avut loc la Cluj: Ong Fest Civic Break, un eveniment dedicat Ong urilor din Cluj. Desfasurat pe 1 iulie, evenimentul a adus intre zidurile cetatii o serie de oameni si activitati, pe care noi am incercam sa le legam printr-un fir de ata simbolic. 

Am creat astfel un traseu subtil printre cauze ale Ong urilor si activitatile acestora.

“Anul acesta am acceptat provocarea de a organiza la Cluj ONGFest, în parteneriat cu Fundatia pentru Dezvoltarea Societatii Civile. A fost o atmosferă foarte plăcută, timp de o zi, pe strada Potaissa, lângă zidul cetății. O mulțime de oameni zâmbitori, o sumedenie de activități plăcute. Aveți aici un album cu momente surprinse de peste zi. (Mulțumim mult Mihai Biris pentru fotografii) Mulțumim colegilor din echipele Civitas și FDSC, dar și Ioana Trantea, Razvan Simion, Cosmin Ghenescu, Lupu Lucian, Andi Daiszler, Laura Panait, Cipria Nul, Bogdan Hudusan, Andrei Crișan, Bogdan Cristea, Laura Alicu și tuturor celor care ne-ați ascultat, ne-ați sfătuit, ne-ați sprijinit, ne-ați fost alături și ne-ați ajutat să dăm culoare zilei de 1 iulie. Mulțumiri și Kaufland Romania, Radio ZU, Primaria Cluj-Napoca, Casa de Cultura Cluj Napoca, H33, EMA, Uber, Clujul Cultural, Straight From The Bottle, Garage Musik Band. Pe curândl!”

Multumim echipei de implementare din Cluj: Good Guys Events cat si colegei Raluca Pascu pentru idei si good vibe!

Natura Fest 2017

It’s almost summer so we start with a shadow structure for Natura Fest 2017. Parcul Izvor//Bucharest//26 may-28may. If in Bucharest, come enjoy!

Team: Ioana, Cristi, Florin, Buze, Vidi, Tibi.

Waha Lounge @ street delivery 2016

I’ve been taking long breaks from this blog. I want to write more, maybe on daily basis, but I need exercise and clarity. So wish me luck, I hope it will happen at least weekly in the beginning.

So remembering summer…another yearly project that I love and enjoy making. It’s the Waha Lounge @ Street delivery festival. Street Delivery is an urban festival in Bucharest, one that draws attention to the public life of the city, trying to make the people come together and use the streets for learning, playing, creating small communities. The community feeling is quite lost in the big cities, and in Bucharest is getting lost also. So this festival is making something concrete. It closes one street in the center of the city, for cars, and opens it for people and their activities.

Everybody wants to be there. In the first years, cause I’ve been participating since it started, it was more money oriented, but in the last years something changed and the whole gathering took a nice artsy turn.

My friends that are making the Waha festival, one lovely festival in the Romanian mountains, wanted to be present again this year with a forestry lounge, to let people know about the location and line up of the festival. The challenge is to cover more than 200 square meters in only a couple of hours, as the  street starts closing only that morning.

And of course, trying to use the old walls and fences and everything there is around. After we finished, we met a really nice Norwegian writer, by accident, and also by accident he told us he came to Romania especially to go to Waha Festival. So good energies attract good people. It was a nice preview for the summer festival, where we ended up in July, but that is another story.

love&light&easy living


Creative Fest 2016

The lounge area we made for Creative Fest 2016.

The place looks better with people chilling, so I won’t show you the making off process.

I like the contrast between the huge metal structure in the back and the happy place we created. Bucharest is still a city of contrasts.

the Happy team: Ioana, Vidi, Buze and Cristi.


Agora InCotroceni

AGORA INCOTROCENI a insemnat activarea comunitatii locale printr-un eveniment public, desfasurat intr-o intersectie, pana atunci plina de masini parcate si cam atat.

Impreuna cu UNNU am realizat mobilierul urban care a imbracat pentru o zi intersectia, transformand-o intr-o piata urbana in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.

Ziua a fost plina de activitati si ateliere dedicate copiilor cat si ateliere participative in care s-au luat decizii legate de cartier, totul fiind coordonat de tinerii inimosi din Incotroceni.

InCotroceni  inseamna o mana de oameni care si-au propus  sa faca din Cotroceni un spatiu mai bun de locuit, un cartier mai primitor si mai armonios. Din cate am vazut pe 2 iulie, sunt pe drumul cel bun si eu una sunt fericita ca am putut ajuta! 

Blaj Alive 2016 Stage Deco

Summer has started for us!

First stop was Blaj Alive Festival, a small but strong festival in Transylvania.  Thanks the organizers for having us there and the great atmosphere!

Met some good old friends and made new ones, feels like a great summer ahead.

The beautiful team:

Ioana ~ the witch

Zino ~ the shaman

Tudor ~ the flying elf

Bohemian Square//Brasov//2015

Another summer installation. This time in Brasov, Romania, for Bohemian Square Festival.

I called it ” squares in squares”. My idea was to make the place warmer through colors and interaction. So we put together some wood structures to define the new space, filled them with recycled pallets and fluffy pillows, and colored the sky. The Urban Lounge became the place to meet for that weekend! It was a lot of work for us and the people who helped, especially cause the weather was cold and we had one week of continuous rain to finished the work, but, at the end, the sun started to shine and of course, like it always happens, everything turned out just fine!

Many tkanks to Restauratorii & QUIB for all the wood work. Thanks the organizers for inviting us, and to the magic team: Vidi, Raluca, Tibi, Ioana, Moise for the textile work and to Ioana and Laura for giving us a great house& time in Brasov.

Much Love!

La Obiect – “piete in piete” – instalatie efemera pentru Bohemian Square, Brasov.

Airfield Festival 2015

Location design for Airfield Festival 2015//Sibiu//Romania.

The festival is happening on an airfield and there’s a lot of flying and floating around:)

We tried to keep it simple and relaxed. Mandalas were looking good as seen from above.  Can’t wait for next year’s adventure~!


magic team: ioana, mihaela, zino, margi, ciprian, radu, stefi, irina, tiganu, rares, andrei, dani  & wonder jo & all the great volunteers from Sibiu!

Electric Castle 2015

It’s been a long time since I wrote something here. Didn’t have time and didn’t feel like writing. It’s winter and I dream of summer and remember all the cool things we’ve done 😀 around the country. The first was Electric Castle Festival, the magic festival near Cluj, on a beautiful castle site. It’s my third time at the castle and I already feel like home there. About last year’s experience you can read here.

It’s like a dream being there for more than one week and working on the chill areas. Colours, hammocks, shadow, lights…music. If you’re not into music you can still spend some time there, going to  Restoration workshops happening all summer//powered by Transylvania Trust.

magic team: ioana, andrei, cristi, marcel, andrei i, gabi, carla, andrei g, oti & a big, big help from the logistics team of the festival. Thanks beautiful people!

I’m just gonna leave here the pictures people from all over the world took @ the festival.


Luminish Waha la Street Delivery

This weekend you can relax in a urban oasis on the streets of Bucharest, in a place we ‘shadow~designed’ for Waha Festival @Street Delivery.  Check out our latest waha experience!

Enjoy the shadow!

AirField Festival After Movie



The official after movie from AirField Festival Sibiu 2014.

What started as a design concept for the chill area, became a real stage of the festival and we do believe that next year we’ll make it even bigger and more interactive for the lovely public. So put it in your schedule: next year , beginning of August, we’ll learn how to fly again at Airfield.

Read more on out work there, here!


Dracula Film Festival

Every project is special to us, but when it came to a Horror and Fantasy Festival held in our beloved Brasov, when eight international shorts and seven Romanian shorts ran together, when a new version on Dracula’s story was launched, when all these happen, things seem to be even more interesting.

As you probably figured out, we’ve been to Brasov for the second edition of Dracula Film: Horror and Fantasy Festival and we completed the fantasy atmosphere with a few scenic accents and details. Therefore we formed an army of bats and spiders with their webs and we conquered the Dramatical Theatre (Sica Alexandrescu) where the grand opening of the festival took place.
We loved everything: the atmosphere, the people and enjoyed Gary Shore’s first feature movie, Dracula Untold, very inspiring for our little bottles with semi-dry Dracula’s blood.

On this occasion we want to give our special thanks to the organizers, to the sponsors and to all the team of volunteers that made everything possible.
Also many thanks to our special collaborator from Brasov: Horea.

Till next time, enjoy some pictures!