Green cat pouf

Meet Sonia’s green cat pouf. She is learning to climb and walk with the help of the mighty cat!


Winter Time is Happy Time!

In Bucharest winter came in quite early, so I closed myself in the studio and started working on some inspirational objects. The first one is the Christmas Tree. All made of recycled wood, forever green and with lovely lights and angels, it’s like a sensitive touch for the holiday season.

Then I remembered I had some indian stones very well kept in a a jewellery box: a very beautiful lapis lazuli, a moonstone and some interesting stone without a name:), so I made pendants out of them; not too much silver wire is used cause I wanna keep the stone important, the wire is just a net holding the energy inside.
And then, because we haven’t seen the Sun here in almost a month, I made myself one happy sunny pillow! It’s a meditation pillow, a lazy sunny Oasis in the grey city:)
Love and light!

Dots and giraffes

girafa girafa-2We started with a small silver giraffe and it seems they are getting bigger and bigger. The last one is a dotted one; she became a star in a commercial. She is tall, funny and very soft:)


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Silver handmade birds, flying at your hand.

Spring planet of love

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Spring play with silver wire, stones and glass. Small planets of love and joy.

Christmas earrings

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Special handmade earrings for Christmas Eve and days:)

All with silver wire and natural materials.

Precious stones (coral, lapis lazuli, moon stone, sodalit), wood, coloured glass and a lot of good energy!

Chitz chitz

Pentru ziua Inei, am creat impreuna cu Ovidiu o brosa din argint, cu ametist prins in cupru si un soricel funky, pandant.
Ambele sunt lucrate manual si unicat.
La multi ani Ina!

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Festivalul Brazilor de Craciun_Salvaţi Copiii

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Festivalul Brazilor de Crăciun este un eveniment de strângere de fonduri organizat anual de Salvaţi Copiii România, care are ca centru de interes o licitaţie specială de brăduţi de Crăciun, creaţi exclusiv pentru această ocazie de unii dintre cei mai cunoscuţi designeri. Devenit una dintre atracţiile calendarului social al sezonului, Festivalul Brazilor de Crăciun sprijină proiectele derulate de Salvaţi Copiii România.”

Impreuna cu Ovidiu Sbancu, am lucrat in atelier bradutul pe care il va prezenta in cadrul Galei designerul Stephan Pelger, dupa designul acestuia, adaptat de noi:)

Bradutul are 20 cm inaltime, este lucrat manual din argint masiv, suflat la final cu aur, iar in loc de steluta, are in varf un diamant. Totul pe o placa de granit, pentru care a trebuit sa umblam ceva timp:)

Speram ca Stephan si bradutul sa stranga multi banutzi pentru copii!

Pentru work~in~progress arunca o privire si aici!


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Cubix e un puf cub cu latura de 60/60/60 umplut cu muuulte perle de polistiren. E numai bun ca taburet si loc de joaca pentru Matei si Pavel de la Lucruri Marunte.

Cei doi nazdravani (parinti) m-au rugat sa reconditionez un puf vechi, care insa era plin ochi de perle. Asa ca am facut huse noi si l-am dat inapoi pentru joaca celor mici.


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Silver angels,  handmade for a special winter and for protection.


Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins brings you joy:) Handmade silver work. Tripping through the sky with birds, moon and fluffy clouds:)

Mersi Vlad Basca pentru poze!

Our silver garden

Pisici din argint, iedera colorata, pasari cantatoare si un pic de muzica pentru urechi fine.